Matra Vasti, also known as Kashaya Vasti, is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the administration of herbal decoctions rectally. Here’s an overview of how Matra Vasti/Kashaya Vasti works:
- Preparation of Herbal Decoction: A specific herbal decoction is prepared based on the individual’s health condition and requirements. The herbs used in the decoction are carefully selected for their therapeutic properties, such as anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and rejuvenating effects.
- Administration: The herbal decoction is administered rectally using a Vasti yantra (a special enema instrument) under the supervision of a trained Ayurvedic therapist. The patient is positioned in a comfortable posture, usually lying on their left side, and the decoction is introduced into the rectum through the Vasti yantra.
- Retention: After the administration, the patient is instructed to retain the herbal decoction for a specific period, typically around 15 to 30 minutes. During this time, the medicinal properties of the herbs are absorbed through the rectal mucosa and distributed throughout the body via the circulatory system.
- Elimination: After the retention period, the patient is allowed to expel the remaining decoction along with any accumulated toxins and waste products from the colon through natural bowel movements.
Matra Vasti/Kashaya Vasti is used to balance the doshas (bioenergies) in the body, particularly Vata dosha, and to treat various health conditions, including gastrointestinal disorders, joint disorders, neurological disorders, and certain metabolic imbalances. It helps to alleviate symptoms such as pain, inflammation, digestive issues, and nervous system disorders by promoting detoxification, improving digestion, and restoring the body’s natural equilibrium.
However, it’s crucial to undergo Matra Vasti/Kashaya Vasti under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who can customize the therapy according to individual health needs, ensure proper dosing and administration, and monitor for any adverse reactions or contraindications.